- Diaries -

Oshun e la bruja

Oshun, la bruja

I have returned to Havana two months after my previous crazy adventure. I'm full of presents. It's the least I can do to show my gratitude to those amazing people who helped me last time when I was hanging out with no money and no passport.

Of course I live with them again.

I have terrible aversion to hotels anyway.

Due to work I have spent half of my life in impersonal and abstract rooms...

The ambiance is festive.

They welcome me with a lot of joy.

Another chance for fiesta...

The whole neighborhood's been up all over again.

The next night, M. asks me if I want to meet a witch.

My element!!!

As I come with plenty of alcohol-Scotch whiskey equates that time with gold.

Plus 2 American dollars.... a whole fortune.



She welcomes us. She's tall with imposing characteristics.

Her voice is like lightning. Her laughter is strong and her eyes are burning.

My rational mind brings resistance and creates all possible connotations and excuses.

"Probably a whopper..."

She opens the bottle of whiskey with a tremendous anticipation.

She drinks a strong sip.

In front of her on the table there is a large glass filled with water.

At the bottom sits a huge eyeball.

I hope it's from an animal.

It's kind of scary.

She lights up a giant cigar. As she draws a deep puff, her eyes change. Her look blurs.

She blows the cigar smoke on the surface of the glass over the water.

The eye through the glass looks at me.

I feel nervous as with a blurred look she is watching the shapes that smoke creates from the cigar.

One more puff and she starts talking to me in a third person.

Her voice has changed.

As if someone is dictating to her.

She says that Ochún and is my protector... What she said to me????

I won't reveal it to you.

What I can say for certain is that she was gifted.

I wouldn't say she predicted the future.

More she said to me "if you keep doing....... These.... This will shape your life.... If you do this... It will be so... "

She wasn't wrong.

Somehow she ‘saw ‘how I was acting and behaving back to the west and what my life was like.

The advice of Ochun was like a surgical blade.

I left Bewitched.

I'll never forget the witch.

Her name was Senaida.

In my ears her name always reminds me of fairy...