Money is Energy - Attract it!
This 2 hours workshop will be run by Thomas White Eagle Águila Blanca. Thomas, is the general director of Dharma Mystical Tours as well as an independent shamanic instructor and healer at White Eagle Retreat Centre.
You may read more about him and his activities here: dharmamysticaltours
In this practical workshop you will learn how to change your mindset of crisis and lack of money with the use of simple meditation and mantras and attract money to yourself.
Money is energy – you don’t need to earn it, you need to attract it.
Some theory on meditation, mind management will be shared.
I will explain everything in a very easy way and the workshop is run as an easy going one. There will be an opportunity to ask a few questions.
You don’t need any previous meditation nor yoga experience. It’s suitable for everyone. If you are already meditating it’s a plus.
The workshop is run in English.
Duration: 2hs approx.
Who is this workshop for:
- everyone who wishes to change their mindset regarding money
- those who wish to make more money than they currently do
Prices / investment in one-self:
Euro 30
Interested? How to book & pay.
We only have 15 places, so first booked, first served basis. You need to book your place even if you are paying on the door.
Bookings close on the 30th of May.
You can pay by Paypal or cash.
On the day: cash only.
If you wish to directly contact the instructor:
WhatsApp: +420.77.5555.731
You may also address your questions or book your place by sending us a message through our contact section or by contacting us through our Facebook page, here: